Thursday, August 2, 2007

Joshua 1

So I read through Joshua 1 last night and the thing that struck me was how God told Joshua THREE TIMES to be strong and courageous. And then if that weren't enough, part of Israel (the Reubenites, Gadites and part of Manasseh) ALSO told Joshua the same thing.

Why? Did he look afraid? was he known for fear? Here they have the God of Israel, who has done miracles for them, telling them He's doing a mighty work. Why would Joshua be afraid?

As someone suffering from severe anxiety at times, I'm intrigued.

I also note that God promises not to leave him or forsake him. I always thought Jesus said this somewhere in the New Testament but a search turns up a passage in Hebrews that references Deuteronomy. Where Joshua is told by Moses what? Yep. Be strong. Be courageous. Twice.

What is the practical advice given to Joshua here? the "how-to"? Meditate on God's Word (at this point the Law) day and night. Which brings to mind Psalm 1.

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