Sunday, August 5, 2007

Joshua 4

OK, so I read this chapter which is a continuation of what we started in chapter 3, the mini-red sea moment. I'm not sure if anyone noticed this besides me or not. I'll quote KJV so's I don't offend you purists. Plus, my agnostic friend apparently has been skimming the KJV Bible so we'll keep with it (an aside for FunSize: aprons!?!).

14On that day the LORD magnified Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they feared him, as they feared Moses, all the days of his life.

I read that and laughed. Because did they fear Moses or respect Moses all the days of his life? I mean, look back at Exodus! Look at how many times they grumbled and complained and disobeyed and made golden calves and such!

I'm not mocking God's Word here. Trying to figure out what it means.

Did they always respect MOSES but now always God? Are they always going to respect Joshua but not God?

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