Saturday, October 27, 2007

new direction: Philippians!

I just couldn't get past Joshua 10. I've moved into Philippians and before I start studying the text, I read up a little on the birth of the church at Philippi. If you don't know the story, here it is:

Acts 16:11-40

There are a few things I noticed in this text. First off, Paul & Silas had one plan but when things got in the way (namely imprisonment), rather than sit there and whine about their circumstances, they still served God right where they were.

Secondly, a LOT of people would think God had set them free if there was an earthquake that loosed their chains. I would've been the first one out of there! Paul & Silas, however, obeyed the authority which said they were to be imprisoned. Because of their obedience, the jailer not only lived but found relationship with God!

I look forward to my study of Philippians. I do confess to using a Bible study guide. Elizabeth George has written some fantastic, practical books as part of her "Woman After God's Own Heart" series. I find them to be very good at keeping me on task while still giving me room to come to my own conclusions.

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