Monday, October 22, 2007

nothing left to give

A few weeks ago I was sitting and thinking about how I've got nothing left to give. I am so exhausted by this world's demands on me that I feel I should be ministered to, not have more demands placed upon me. Yet...well, the root of Christianity is giving. Not giving for one's glory, but giving because it brings us closer to Christ - the ultimate sacrifice.

So I was thinking: God, I've got NOTHING to give! I'm tired! I'm all tapped out!

And in His ever patient way, He brought to mind two women who had nothing left and yet they gave.

The first is the widow who gave her last oil and flour to make a cake for Elijah, found in 1 Kings 17. She had NOTHING and yet she gave her last, and God not only blessed her with more oil & flour, but saved her son from death.

The second, of course, is the famed widow with two mites who is mentioned in Mark
and Luke. Again, this woman gave of all she had. The Bible doesn't tell us if she was blessed for it (I imagine she was). It just tells us she gave all she had.

The point here is that there is never going to be a time when it seems "RIGHT" to give. The time is now. I should give when it seems there is nothing TO give.

We will see.


Chris Angelico said...

There's a limit to how much you can give... you're only human. Don't expect yourself to be God, forever giving of Himself and never empty; at some point you will burn yourself out. I know - I've done it. Actually, I'm saying nothing here that you didn't say to me a couple of weeks ago... Give, yes, and give all you have when the occasion calls, but never give more.

Regina said...

As a working mother of two VERY demaning children I often feel like there is nothing left for me to give. I just trust that the Lord will fill my barrel with just enough to do the task at hand. I also constantly pray for a moment to rest in His shadow and be renewed in my Spirit. Thanks for sharing, it helps to know that I am not alone.